Discovering Your Money Blueprint

I like to encourage people to continuously seek knowledge and information about various topics. Keeping abreast of changing trends is especially crucial in the world of finance, as these can help you to find opportunities to create wealth. When it comes to money, I have found that you can never learn too much about it.

When I began my search for the secret to financial success many years ago, at first I was only hoping to find some answers to help me to fix my own money problems. However, the more I researched, the greater my desire became to discover how the essential principles of money could be harnessed to help more persons break free of financial bondage.

As an avid reader, I prefer to get financial information from written material. Ironically, it was the audio recording of a book, and not the printed version, that gave me the solution to a money mystery that I had been trying to figure out for a very long time: “Why do some people struggle with money for their entire lives?”

Influenced by a glowing recommendation from a best-selling financial guru, I bought a new audio book by a relatively unknown author. A bold declaration on the back cover of the CD immediately caught my attention. “Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!”

Success depends on your blueprint

T Harv Eker, author of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, declared that he had the ability to know if you were going to win or fail with money, simply by identifying your money and success blueprint. This blueprint determined your financial life, Eker insisted. If it was set for failure, then you would never be successful with money.

I thought that this was an intriguing concept. Could it really be that that every person had a blueprint of money success that pre-determined his or her financial outcome?

Eker answered my question with his stunning introductory statement. “If your subconscious financial blueprint is not set for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.” It was the financial blueprint that explained why some people are “destined to be rich and others destined for a lifetime of struggle.”

Eker shared his past experiences in which he failed with several businesses. A wealthy family friend eventually explained to him that the reason he was struggling was that he didn’t know how to think and act like rich people did. Eker then concentrated on learning about the psychology of money and success, and modelling the behaviour patterns of the wealthy.

Thoughts influence your wealth

Your thoughts about money can actually hold you back from success, Eker discovered. The results that you get – good or bad – are caused by what’s going on inside your head. “Lack of money is never the problem,” Eker clarified, “it is a symptom of what’s going on underneath the surface.”

He explained that your thoughts lead to feelings, your feelings lead to actions, and your actions lead to results. Your financial blueprint is a “combination of thoughts, feelings and actions in the arena of money.” It consists of all the information that you received in the past from family members, teachers, and your culture that taught you how to think and act regarding money.

The things you heard as a child such as “money is the root of all evil,” remain in your subconscious and affect how you think about money today. You also learned to model what you saw other people do with money. Other factors affecting your mental programming are specific incidents that you may have experienced at an early age.

Eker pointed out that whatever your current blueprint is set for – saving or spending, managing or wasting money, high or low income – your actions will always validate the way you are conditioned. Your results, such as your bank balance, income or net worth will show whether your blueprint is set for success or failure.

Changing your blueprint

Eker’s remedy for an unsupportive money blueprint was straightforward. “In order to change your results you need to unlearn the old ways of thinking that were causing you to fail.”

The first step in reversing negative thought patterns, Eker said, was to become aware of all the statements you heard about money, the financial habits that you have copied from others, and any incidents that may have influenced you about money. Eker advised readers to write these down and to understand the effects they may have on your current situation.

His next recommendation was to disassociate from the past by recognising that you received this information when you were too young to know better. “You can choose to release any belief or way of being that is not supportive to your wealth.” Finally, you must recondition your mind with an affirming declaration that states the outcome you desire.

Eker went on to introduce 17 ways that rich people think and act that can help you to become more successful with money. Listening to him read the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind empowered me to make many positive changes in my financial life.

Copyright © 2011 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.

Originally published in The Daily Observer,  February 24, 2011

See other articles on Money and Your Mind:

Are You Wired for Financial Success?,

Free Yourself from Financial Fear


Cherryl is a financial consultant and coach, founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl