Category Archives: Financial Literacy

Needed: A National Financial Literacy Programme

“I’m 50 years old and I know I have not always made the best financial decisions. I have a lot of credit card debt and recently lost some money that wasn’t even mine in an alternative investment scheme.

“Now that I’m approaching retirement I realise that I’m in serious trouble, but I really don’t know how to do any better. Is it possible to learn how to manage my money properly?”

Congratulations on your honesty in admitting that you have not been the best steward of your money. However, you shouldn’t feel too discouraged, as most people make money mistakes throughout their lifetime.

Your story is quite familiar to me. For many years I, too, was guilty of making poor financial decisions. In fact, I was probably worse off than you, because I was clueless about the extent of my money problems.

I was fortunate to become employed to a leading financial institution, where for the first time I encountered persons who were money-savvy. I then began a journey to learn what other people knew about moneymaking that I was definitely unaware of. Continue reading Needed: A National Financial Literacy Programme