Category Archives: Book Review

Investment tips from an ancient time

In today’s technologically driven society, persons looking for advice can readily turn to the Internet to find solutions to almost any problem that they might encounter. When it comes to financial issues, it’s not difficult to search online and quickly find answers to a variety of questions about money.

One of the financial questions foremost on many people’s minds is how to become wealthy by investing. Many readers express that they would like to find the secret to making money work for them, so that they can work less.

However, while it’s important to learn about the operations of different investment options, it is even more essential to discover the principles of investing.

One resource that contains many of the basic laws of investing and creating wealth is The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S Clason. Although this book was written in the 1920s, it still provides relevant and practical nuggets of wisdom that can help you to understand what it takes to build sustainable wealth.

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Your Money Personality Pt 2

“I read your discussion about the money personalities last week, and I realize that I’m very uptight about money. I grew up poor and was always determined to make it big.

“Now I have a high paying job and lots of money in my bank account but I hardly enjoy it. I’m afraid to spend any of it, and my family thinks I’m cheap. I may be rich, but I’m certainly not having fun and I would like some advice on how to change this.”

Last week we looked at five of the nine money personalities described in “Your Money Personality:  What It is and How You Can Profit from it,” by Kathleen Gurney, Ph.D. In this book she explains the connection between your emotions and the way you relate to money.

Why should we care about how we relate to money? As Dr Gurney points out, “the money style you have developed defines the amount of money you are earning now, the amount you save, the pleasure you get in using money, and the success of your investment plan.”

So if you’re not happy with your money situation now, perhaps you need to change your money personality.

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