Conserve Resources and Save Money

Consumers today are faced with difficult spending decisions. How can we find money to save towards our goals when the costs of necessities such as food and utilities are constantly increasing? Our only option is to find ways to conserve and become more efficient in our usage of these commodities.

Last week we revealed some clever inventions that can help us to conserve on our electricity usage. This week we will also examine how changing the way we use precious resources such as electricity, water and petrol can help us to cut costs.

Conserve energy

One of the best ways to cut energy consumption is to use our appliances in a more efficient manner. Cranston Ewan, Managing Director of Jamaica Energy Saving Solutions in Kingston, confirms that consumers can see drastic reductions in electricity bills by simply turning off machines when they are not being used.

While we may be more energy conscious when operating electric water heaters and stoves, Ewan explains that cell phone chargers, cable boxes, and computer monitors consume energy when they are plugged in, even if you’re not actively using them. You can significantly cut costs by plugging them out, or switching off the power strips which they are connected to.

Ewan points out energy consumption could also be improved by servicing refrigerators once per year, as the refrigeration system is made up of tubes that can become blocked by particles or small insects over time. He reveals that even no-frost fridges need to be plugged out every few months to allow the condensation or ice blockages inside to defrost.

The energy consultant notes that lighting solutions that generate less heat can significantly cut down energy costs. Incandescent bulbs are inefficient because 90 per cent of the energy produced is heat energy which is wasted. A florescent bulb is more efficient as it produces less heat, but the real energy-miser is the LED (Light Emitting Diodes) bulb. This technology produces light without heat, and the highest quality LED bulbs can last up to 50,000 hours.

For more information on saving energy, go to or call (876) 923-3013.

Conserve water

While access to potable water is becoming increasingly difficult for many countries worldwide, in Jamaica most of us are still blessed with a reliable supply of this prized commodity. However, this is threatened when we waste water and carry out practices that can damage our water supply.

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One company that offers innovative products that can help you to conserve water usage is Ecological Technologies (Eco-Tec) based in Westmoreland. Eco-Tec’s website is chock-full of energy-saving ideas and solutions.

Here are some interesting water use facts supplied by Eco-Tec: 75 per cent of all household water usage takes place in the bathroom – the average household uses 35 per cent of its water for showers, while toilets represent 40 per cent of a household’s total water consumption. Eco-Tec explains that leaking pipes, toilets and faucets are the leading cause of excessive water usage.

According to Eco-Tec, the routine maintenance of your pipes and plumbing could significantly reduce water use, while the average family can save 30 per cent on water charges by installing water-saving solutions. The following are some devices that can help to cut down your water bills:

1. Low-flow shower heads can help you to use 50 per cent less water;
2. Flapper-less toilets can reduce water usage in flushing by 50 per cent;
3. Installing inexpensive devices such as a toilet cycle fill diverter, an adjustable flapper or a toilet tank bank to your existing toilet can save you ½ gallon to 2½ gallons per flush.

For more water-saving solutions, contact (876) 955-8177 or email

Conserve petrol

While we’re currently having some relief on the price of petrol, our recent ‘pain at the pump’ made us aware of the importance of conserving on gas. Petrol-reducing exercises include such as reducing driving speed, planning your driving routes, walking instead of driving for short journeys, and car pooling. Regular maintenance of our vehicles and properly inflating tyres can also improve our gas utilization.

Despite our best efforts, the way our vehicles are made can still heavily impact our petrol usage. Karl Thompson, proprietor of Montego Bay-based Conservation Central, reveals that simple devices which improve the mechanics of vehicles can reduce the amount of gas we use. Thompson retails a product called SGIAV (Save Gas In All Vehicles), which was engineered by NASCAR originally to increase the horsepower of a vehicle, but it was later discovered to reduce gas consumption.

The SGIAV device, which is placed between the air filter and throttle body, can help to improve the fuel optimization of the vehicle. The device causes clean air from the filter to swirl repeatedly which allows the air to better combine with the gas. Increasing the clean air also reduces the amount of petrol that goes through the gas lines, so less of it is wasted. Thompson declares that this easy-to-install device can save up to 20-25 per cent of your cost per tank of gas.

For more petrol-saving tips, check out or call (876) 832-6129.

Copyright © 2008 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.


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Originally published in The Daily Observer, November 13, 2008

Cherryl is a financial columnist, consultant and coach. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl