Tag Archives: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Create Wealth by Building a Business System

We have been looking at some key principles of financial success – becoming disciplined about budgeting and saving, being prudent about getting into debt, and setting and achieving smart goals. We have also discussed the importance of creating additional income to meet your basic money needs.

However, if you want to attain financial security and eventually become financially free, you have to move beyond just managing your money well and learn how to effectively multiply your money. You need to acquire new skills and techniques that can help you to create long-lasting wealth.

Understanding how to multiply money is usually difficult for most people because it involves changing long-held negative mindsets towards making money. Although many people say they want to be rich, they are really not willing to put in the hard work that’s required to learn how to do it. Continue reading Create Wealth by Building a Business System

Developing Your Millionaire Mindset

Last week, we introduced a fascinating audio book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, in which author T Harv Eker explains how people’s thoughts can actually influence their financial results. This week, we explore some of Eker’s insightful suggestions about how you can create a mindset for wealth.

Acknowledge that you create your results

It’s important to understand that you have the ability to design the destiny that you desire. Eker insists that you are the “steering wheel of your financial life” as you have the power to create what you have or what you don’t have. Unfortunately, too many people never achieve their goals because they think that forces outside of their control are responsible for their success or failure.

Instead of taking responsibility for their future, Eker explains, people with poverty mindsets often blame other people and circumstances for their money problems. They also try to justify their financial lack with comments such as, “Money is not that important to me.”

Constant complaining is another form of negative energy that actually ensures that they only attract more problems. Continue reading Developing Your Millionaire Mindset

Discovering Your Money Blueprint

I like to encourage people to continuously seek knowledge and information about various topics. Keeping abreast of changing trends is especially crucial in the world of finance, as these can help you to find opportunities to create wealth. When it comes to money, I have found that you can never learn too much about it.

When I began my search for the secret to financial success many years ago, at first I was only hoping to find some answers to help me to fix my own money problems. However, the more I researched, the greater my desire became to discover how the essential principles of money could be harnessed to help more persons break free of financial bondage.

As an avid reader, I prefer to get financial information from written material. Ironically, it was the audio recording of a book, and not the printed version, that gave me the solution to a money mystery that I had been trying to figure out for a very long time: “Why do some people struggle with money for their entire lives?” Continue reading Discovering Your Money Blueprint