Tag Archives: Richest Man in Babylon

Investment tips from an ancient time

In today’s technologically driven society, persons looking for advice can readily turn to the Internet to find solutions to almost any problem that they might encounter. When it comes to financial issues, it’s not difficult to search online and quickly find answers to a variety of questions about money.

One of the financial questions foremost on many people’s minds is how to become wealthy by investing. Many readers express that they would like to find the secret to making money work for them, so that they can work less.

However, while it’s important to learn about the operations of different investment options, it is even more essential to discover the principles of investing.

One resource that contains many of the basic laws of investing and creating wealth is The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S Clason. Although this book was written in the 1920s, it still provides relevant and practical nuggets of wisdom that can help you to understand what it takes to build sustainable wealth.

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Going The Distance In Achieving Your Dreams

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” – Proverbs 29:18

Most Jamaicans ardently want our nation to progress towards peace and prosperity. However, many of us don’t realise that for Jamaica to advance, we can’t simply expect others to make it happen; we must each embark upon our own personal journey of growth and development.

In The Richest Man in Babylon, author George S Clason declares that, “Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.” In other words, if we are going to see Jamaica succeed, we have to first commit to working on our personal success.

In over 10 years of coaching persons on their financial goals, I have discovered that there are two main reasons that prevent people from getting ahead in life. Most persons are not clear about exactly what they want to achieve; and even if they have some idea about what they want, they aren’t passionate enough about why they want it to happen. Continue reading Going The Distance In Achieving Your Dreams

Uncovering the Secrets of Money Success

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7, NIV Bible

As a money coach, I interact with many people who are desperately seeking solutions to their financial problems. When you are constantly broke, heavily in debt and unable to find the way to achieve your dreams, it can feel as if you’re lost in a confusing maze without the vital directions to get you out.

I can easily relate to people’s feelings of distress, as I was also trapped in a financial quicksand for a long time. After years of spending more than I earned, depending on debt and naively ignoring any preparations for the future, I had the good fortune to get a job at a financial institution.

For the first time, I saw persons who were smart about money, who were achieving financial goals that I hadn’t even dreamed about. Continue reading Uncovering the Secrets of Money Success

Saving Success

“I will finish university in two months, and I will start my first job. I want to get going with a savings plan as soon as I receive my first pay cheque. What would you advise me to do?”

I’m very impressed with your determination to begin your working life with the right savings attitude. Many of us (myself included) wish that we could turn back the clock and reverse all the years we spent splurging our income.

Time is on your side- with a savings and investment plan in place, you can accomplish many financial goals. A deposit on your first house, higher education, travel around the world, a comfortable retirement – all these can be within your reach by just starting to invest early. Continue reading Saving Success