Tag Archives: retirement plan

7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

As we usher in the year 2016 with an optimistic outlook for a bright future, we must have a
decisive game plan to create a more prosperous New Year. Instead of just rehashing wishful resolutions from past years, make a concerted effort to attain these specific financial objectives:

1. A S.M.A.R.T. goal

It’s been said that ‘a promise is a comfort to a fool’; and some people believe that resolutions are foolish wishes that bring cold comfort. Your dreams may seem impossible to achieve if you don’t convert your ideas into specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-based goals.

Select one dream that would make the biggest difference in your life. Write it down precisely, expressing how you would measure it, take action on it and know when it was complete. Consider all the steps you need to take every day to realise your goal and persevere until you accomplish it. Continue reading 7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

2015 Money Forecast

Another year has arrived and I would like to wish all my loyal readers a Happy New Year! For me, 2014 was filled with new beginnings and break-through events. I also encountered delays in completing some goals and learned valuable financial and business lessons from my experiences.

One of the highlights of 2014 was the interaction with my readers. This column has given me an outlet to meet many persons who share my interest in personal finance or need assistance with their money concerns. I look forward to engaging with many more of you as this year progresses.

The wonderful thing about a new year is that it gives us all the opportunity to erase the mistakes and disappointments of the past twelve months and set a more positive agenda for the coming period. The past is history; now is the time to chart your course for a more prosperous future.

Try to visualise 2015 as a new day just before the dawn breaks. As you gaze out into the horizon, what kind of financial ‘weather’ do you foresee that the upcoming period will have in store? Does your money forecast for the New Year feature dark, stormy clouds, or bright, sunny skies? Continue reading 2015 Money Forecast

Financial Fears

Fear has been described in the acronym False Evidence Appearing Real, indicating that very often the thing you fear is not factual, but just based on some perception in your mind. Sometimes you may even be embarrassed about some of the strange thoughts that secretly cause you to be fearful.

Fears about money can leave you feeling vaguely uncomfortable about your finances, intensely anxious about your future prospects, or send you into full-blown panic mode. Even if your fears may be irrational they can cripple you mentally and physically and prevent you from actualising your goals.

Many financial anxieties may stem from your concerns about losing something important that money can provide, while certain types of financial mistakes can be serious enough to warrant extreme distress. Let’s look at some common financial fears and simple strategies which can help you to deal with them. Continue reading Financial Fears

Reflections on Retirement

Hundreds of readers have accepted this month’s money mission to focus on retirement, and this has confirmed to me that many people are very concerned about said aspect of financial planning. I’m sensing that some of you are becoming desperate about your present financial state of affairs and the bleak future that may be awaiting you.

Whatever your current financial position, I want to reassure you that it is possible for you to design a realistic plan of action that can help you to not only survive during your retirement years, but have a fulfilled life. However, pretending that you don’t have a looming problem is only going to ensure that your worst financial nightmare will become your retirement reality.

Let’s look at some important issues that you should consider in order to make proper preparations for this important time in life. Continue reading Reflections on Retirement