Tag Archives: Retirement & Estate Planning

Money Milestones

Recently, a client asked me if I thought that she had achieved all the appropriate financial targets for her age. Like a concerned parent eagerly checking for the age-specific developmental achievements of a child, she was trying to assess if she had attained the money milestones that would indicate that she was on the right track.

However, just like children who progress at their own pace, each person is unique when it comes to their personal financial development. Some people seem to be born with the right genes for money, getting an early start on wealth creation by being consistent savers and savvy investors. Others appear to be slow learners, remaining deficient with their money skills until their later years.

Despite the disparity in development, there are basic money milestones that can be used as a guide to people’s financial health and well-being. Let’s examine some of the signposts to look for as you move along your financial life journey: Continue reading Money Milestones

Saving for Retirement in Jamaica

Last week we examined the high cost of retirement and calculated the amount of savings that would be required to replace your income when you choose to stop working. Although cash is tight in today’s economy, if you delay putting aside some of your money for your retirement needs, it will only cause you more financial distress in the future.

Let’s look at some of the options which can help you to achieve your retirement nest egg targets:

Employer-Sponsored Pension Plans

Pension plans, also called superannuation funds, are retirement saving schemes which businesses voluntarily set up for their employees. Larger workplaces usually offer pension plans, whereby both the employer and the worker contribute funds to create a retirement lump sum for the employee. Staff members are required to put aside at least five per cent of their salary into retirement savings, and this figure would be matched by the employer. Continue reading Saving for Retirement in Jamaica

Is it Practical To Plan For Retirement?

As it becomes increasingly difficult for many companies to finance workplace pension plans, and more persons join the ranks of the self-employed, the number of Jamaicans who are currently investing towards their retirement years is woefully inadequate.

Studies indicate that private pension arrangements are now covering some 60,000 persons of the approximately 1.3 million people in the labour workforce in Jamaica. This means that only about one out of every 22 persons contributes to a savings plan that will help to replace their income when they can no longer earn a living or choose to stop working.

This is a startling statistic, as it indicates that many persons may not have considered the necessity of planning to create an income for their later years. Continue reading Is it Practical To Plan For Retirement?

Stop Making Excuses about Saving

As a personal finance advisor, I can only show my clients the cold, hard realities of their financial lives and give them strategies for improvement; but until they are ready to make the necessary changes, I really can’t help them become financially successful.

After learning the secrets of managing, multiplying and maintaining money, it became my mission to pass on the good news to all. At first I was naïve in believing that once people understood how to transform their finances, they would quickly adopt key principles such as budgeting, saving and debt management.

Very soon I realised that it would not be quite that easy to influence some people’s personal finance habits. Even if they recognised that their negative practices would lead to their financial ruin, it was often difficult for them to change bad habits and do things differently.

Some people remain in financial challenges because they are quick to offer reasons why suggested solutions to their problems can’t possibly work. The need to save regularly is an area that is particularly prone to imaginative excuse-making. Here are some common excuses: Continue reading Stop Making Excuses about Saving

How To Maintain Your Money

Why do some people achieve long-lasting financial success while others struggle with money for their entire lives? After years of seeking the answer to this mystery, I have discovered that the route to prosperity lies in the knowledge and application of some basic principles that govern money.

We have been examining the three tenets of money success – managing, multiplying and maintaining your money. After making smart use of the money you already have and making determined efforts to earn more, the final key is making plans to preserve your wealth for your lifetime and beyond.

Here are the four essential steps to maintaining your money: Continue reading How To Maintain Your Money