Tag Archives: perseverance

Triumph Through Trial and Error

Many of the accomplishments that I can list in my life have come after making several attempts that at first produced only undesirable outcomes. I have become so accustomed to frustrations and setbacks that I have simply accepted these occurrences as part of the process of achievement.

After years of counselling people who were trying to achieve their financial goals, I realised that disappointment with the slow pace of progress is one of the reasons why many give up on their dreams. They think that if the dream was meant to be, it should happen quickly and effortlessly.

Despite knowing that success often comes after repeated failures, I sometimes get irritated when I don’t immediately see positive results from my efforts. Recently, after feeling exasperated with a project that was taking longer than expected, I resigned myself to learning through trial and error.

The theory of trial and error

This week, I wanted to discuss the importance of giving yourself space to try and fail as you traverse the pathway to your goals, so I decided to research the concept of trial and error. It was then that I discovered that there is actually an entire learning theory dedicated to this principle. Continue reading Triumph Through Trial and Error

Jamaican Style Money Guide: If Yuh Want Good Yuh Nose Haffi Run

When asked if they are satisfied with their financial situation, very few people will answer, “Yes!” Many will say that they wish that they had fewer bills to pay; had a better job; owned a home; worked for themselves; or that they just had more money to do what they wanted.

There is an old English rhyme which begins, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” It is easy to create a fantasy life by simply wishing it would happen; even paupers can live like princes in their dreams. However, in real life, wishes do not materialise unless they are backed by work.

If you would like to improve your money situation, don’t expect the process to be effortless. As our wise Jamaican saying advises, “If yuh want good, yuh nose haffi run.” To achieve your dreams, you have to be willing to work hard and persevere along the pathway until you attain your goal. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: If Yuh Want Good Yuh Nose Haffi Run

How To Read Goal Directional Signs

EARLY in a new year, many people make purposeful pledges to accomplish important tasks that they believe will make a significant difference in their lives. However, many of them find that their firm resolutions do not last through the year, and many of their hopeful plans remain unfulfilled.

Last week we looked at ways to determine if you should go ahead with, postpone, or call a halt to the goals that you may be contemplating for this year. Obtaining relevant information, getting expert guidance and obeying your instincts are key elements when creating a goal ‘traffic light’.

If you have already embarked upon your quest, it can be difficult to maintain a consistent pace until you arrive at your destination. The journey is often fraught with distractions, disappointments and delays that can divert you from the pathway which can successfully take you to your goal. Continue reading How To Read Goal Directional Signs

How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

One of my favourite self-improvement books is How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger. In this bestseller that has stood the test of time, Bettger explains how he reversed a pattern of failed sales attempts to become one of the top-performing salesmen of his era.

What I especially appreciate about Bettger’s tale is that he didn’t hide his embarrassing stories from his readers; instead he used the lessons he learnt from his mistakes to reveal the right way forward. For Bettger, his failures were only stepping stones to his ultimate success.

Bettger’s memoir confirms that even though you may have made poor financial choices in the past, once you understand where you went awry and find out what is required to correct your errors, then it is possible for you to become successful. In fact, failure can sometimes help you to achieve. Continue reading How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

Financial Frustrations

If you like to follow the progress of persons who are top achievers in the entertainment or business world, you may marvel at their fabulous lives that most of us can only fantasise about. Whether it’s Beyonce or Buffett, you might secretly envy their ability to accomplish their wildest dreams.

Most stories about the rich and famous usually show these persons enjoying the trappings of wealth, but they hardly ever give the background of what they had to endure to reach where they are today. The end result is celebrated, while the journey with its challenges and obstacles is often ignored.

When asked to share their road to success, many notable persons will reveal that they had to endure tremendous difficulties before they started seeing any results from their efforts. One common trait of those persons who make it big is a determined persistence to keep going despite their frustrations. Continue reading Financial Frustrations

Profiting From Helping People

One strategy to generate extra income for yourself is to find ways to solve people’s challenging issues, and package your product or service appropriately to meet their needs. Most persons will be only too happy to pay for a well-needed solution to their painful problems.

However, there are occasions where you may have created the perfect answer for a difficulty faced by many people, but find that they are not as willing as you thought they would be to pay for it. This situation can be very frustrating for entrepreneurs who believe in the benefits of their offerings.

No profits for a problem-solver
There are several reasons why persons may be reluctant to give money for solutions to their problems. They may genuinely not be in a position to afford the product or service, no matter how useful it is. This is the case in the medical arena, as the high cost prohibits people for partaking in needed items. Continue reading Profiting From Helping People

True Grit Brings Financial Success

Recently, a reader shared that his secret for success was based on the four-letter word ‘grit’. His recipe to get ahead in life was to stay focused on his tasks, find ways to overcome any obstacles that might arise along the way, and work diligently and consistently until his goals were realised.

Speaking on a TED Talks Educational video, psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth explained that grit is “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.” Grit is having the stamina to keep working at your important tasks every day, over many years, until you have accomplished your objectives.

Duckworth, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania who researches educational achievement, posited that grit is a better indicator of a student’s success than factors such as IQ. This trait may be even more critical than natural abilities or other determinants of achievement. Continue reading True Grit Brings Financial Success