Tag Archives: pension plan

Money Mission: Make A Realistic Retirement Plan

I vividly remember dealing with a client many years ago at the financial institution where I worked. He was in his late-50s and wanted to put aside some funds for his retirement. Preparing to discuss investment options and strategies for this objective, I asked him how much money he had to start his plan.

He presented me with a cheque for just over J$150,000 (at that time, the equivalent of about US$2,400), and after I asked some pertinent questions, it became clear that this was the sum total of my client’s net worth. He explained that he had worked in the music industry for his entire life and had seen a lot of money pass through his hands, but had never thought about putting aside some of his earnings for the future.

As he continued to relate his sad story of business setbacks and personal challenges with a chronic illness, I realised that he had become despondent and was not really receptive to my ideas to improve his situation. Just before he left, he said, “I wish someone had taught me these things 20 years ago when it could have made a difference.” Continue reading Money Mission: Make A Realistic Retirement Plan

Getting Real About Retirement Savings

Are you currently saving towards your retirement? If your answer is yes, do you know how much money your pension plan will provide when it’s time to retire? If your answer is no, do you have any idea where you’ll get money to meet your expenses when you’re too old to work?

If you’re worried about your responses to the questions above, it’s time to take a serious look at saving for your future: it’s time to get real about planning for your retirement.

Many Jamaicans have a high propensity to spend, living for immediate gratification with little thought for the future. Some of us would not blink an eyelid to spend J$500 on a fast food meal, but would be hard-pressed to put away that same J$500 into a consistent savings programme.

Some of us have a ‘No Problem, Man’ attitude, where we figure everything will work out just fine eventually. We presume that our children will take care of us when we get old; that we will be able to work forever; or that one day the lottery will come to our financial rescue. Continue reading Getting Real About Retirement Savings