Tag Archives: net worth

How Much Is Your Life Worth?

As we enter the Easter period, many Jamaicans celebrate the important Christian holiday in which they remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time for reflection on how the sacrifice that was made thousands of years ago still impacts the lives of many persons today.

Although we may not readily list it as one of the assets on our personal balance sheets, the gift of life is priceless. Despite the challenges and difficulties that may discourage us from time to time, it is indeed a rich blessing to be given another day to experience what life has in store for us.

Does income determine your value?

If you wanted to quantify the value of your life, could you put a price tag on your existence? In order to seek a financial settlement in legal cases that involve wrongful deaths, lawyers often try to calculate how much possible income has been lost from the untimely passing of an individual. Continue reading How Much Is Your Life Worth?

What’s Your Net Worth Really Worth?

As we strive to move up the ladder of success, one of the benchmarks that we can use to gauge our progress is our net worth. Your net worth is a measure of your financial value which is calculated by subtracting your total liabilities from the total value of your assets. In essence, it is the net value of all the things you own, less all the things you owe.

According to T Harv Eker, best-selling author of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, net worth is a fundamental measure of wealth. Eker reveals that persons who are determined to be rich will focus their efforts on increasing their net worth.

So if one of your money goals for this year is to build your wealth, you should be paying close attention to your net worth. Continue reading What’s Your Net Worth Really Worth?

Getting Started with Investing

Whenever I examine the topic of investing, I often receive responses from readers who want to learn more about how they can make their money work for them in some type of investment. It seems that while they have a desire to invest, many persons are unable to proceed because they just don’t know where to start.

When I first learnt about the concept of investing many years ago, I was initially hesitant about putting money into anything that couldn’t guarantee a positive return. While I understood about saving and receiving interest on my money, it seemed like a risky idea to commit my hard-earned funds into an endeavour, hoping that it would generate a profit.

I remember doing a training course that required the students to create a portfolio which included stock investments. At the time, I didn’t know anything about the stock market, and I was annoyed that I was being forced to invest in something that could lose money.

Very reluctantly, I placed 20 per cent of my ‘pretend’ funds on a few stock picks, and prepared for a disastrous result. Continue reading Getting Started with Investing