Tag Archives: mortgage

Safeguarding Your Property

Your financial wealth is not determined solely by the amount of money you have in your savings account; the value of the assets you have accumulated over time is another factor. Many people believe that purchasing a home would be an important acquisition that would boost their net worth.

Owning a property can provide you with a physical sanctuary that will give you the peace of mind to excel in your other financial endeavours. Knowing that you and your family will always have a place to call home can also give you the impetus to work harder to protect this important legacy.

Whether you direct your money into the ownership of property, place funds in formal investment options, or invest your resources in operating your own business, it is important to consider all the possible challenges that could arise which could jeopardise the preservation of your wealth. Continue reading Safeguarding Your Property

To Own, or Not To Own?

Purchasing a home is one of the most important spending decisions that people will make in their lifetime. While having a piece of property with your name on the title may be a cherished dream that you would like to achieve, it can also be an intimidating and uncertain financial move to make.

If you are trying to choose between buying your own home and continuing to pay a landlord, you can’t just compare the cost of renting with your expected mortgage payment. Let’s take a look at some of the various factors that you need to consider if you are thinking of taking this big step.

Amount available to invest

Acquiring a property in Jamaica can be a costly affair, so you need to be aware of the full amount of money you will need to spend before you can get your name on the title. Most people aim to secure the deposit of between 10 to 15 per cent, but there are other costs that will be incurred. Continue reading To Own, or Not To Own?

Home Buying Risks

There are few occasions that will bring such an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as purchasing your own home. For most persons, it is the realisation of a lifetime dream; and it often heralds their hope for a more prosperous financial future.

While the prospect of buying a home may trigger many emotional responses, it is important to remember that it is a major financial investment as well. If you’re pursuing home ownership, you must also incorporate some rational and prudent decision-making steps in the process.

When investing money, most people will focus on the plus side of the equation; they concentrate on what they have to gain from making the transaction. However, when you commit your funds to a venture, there is always the possibility that you could receive an undesired or adverse outcome. Continue reading Home Buying Risks

Home Ownership Reality Check

Many people will express that one of their major financial dreams is to purchase their own home. It seems that the desire for home ownership runs deep in their minds, hearts and souls, as owning an abode gives a sense of security that few other investments can provide.

However, despite the universal appeal of home ownership, a relatively small percentage of Jamaicans ever accomplish this worthwhile objective. Although the desire to buy a home remains firmly lodged on their wish list, too few are actually able to convert this dream into reality.

The elusive home dream

There are various reasons why home acquisition can be challenging for most Jamaicans. Firstly, the adverse economic situation precludes many consumers from being able to commit enough of their money to save for this goal. Every dollar that they earn is needed to meet basic expenses. Continue reading Home Ownership Reality Check

Money Mission — Decrease Debt Dependency

Last week, I looked at some of the financial challenges that often develop when persons seek to finance their budgetary needs with loans.

I am still alarmed at the increasing number of borrowers who have reached their credit ceiling, with the majority of their paycheques servicing their debt. Many of them don’t even receive enough take-home pay to buy basic necessities.

One of our Jamaican proverbs declares: “What fall off a head, mus’ drop pon shoulder;” This may be interpreted as – something that was meant for the father is sometimes passed on to his children.

This saying could be applied to our country’s debt problems. In the same way that our Government is highly indebted, so are our citizens suffering from an over-dependence on debt. Continue reading Money Mission — Decrease Debt Dependency

How to Manage Debt Wisely

Since the beginning of the year, we have been expanding on the elements of our 2012 Money Manifesto. It is possible to create the financial life that you desire by understanding and following the basic principles of money success.

In today’s column, we will take a look at the sixth component which speaks about dealing with debt. Let’s examine some key do’s and don’ts that can help you to manage debt wisely: Continue reading How to Manage Debt Wisely

Smart Real Estate Investing

In challenging times there are always tremendous opportunities for smart investors to make profit. Despite the fact that we are in the middle of a reported recession, there are several ways to earn good returns from investing in Jamaica.

Right now, money market instruments are yielding attractive interest rates; government global bonds can be bought at low prices; stocks in quality companies are trading way below their true values; and buyers have the upper hand in the real estate market.

While you can get expert guidance on investing in the money market, bonds and stocks from several licensed financial advisors, it’s not so easy to find out how to win in the real estate market. Continue reading Smart Real Estate Investing

Homeownership Challenges

According to recent news reports, mortgage interest rates are set to rise drastically as a result of the interest rate increases on Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) securities. Financial institutions will have to raise the interest rates paid on deposits in line with market rates, and therefore they will be forced to charge more for loans.

How will these developments affect Jamaica’s housing market? According to real estate industry experts, increases in mortgage costs will have a negative impact on both existing and prospective home owners.

BOJ data revealed that up to June 2008, the amount of mortgage loans in arrears for three months and more had risen by some 71 per cent over the previous year. Delinquency rates are expected to grow even more as the cost of homeownership increases.

In addition, most consumers’ income levels are not moving up to match these increased finance costs, so many hopeful homeowners may not have the cash flow required to qualify for a mortgage. Continue reading Homeownership Challenges

Buying a home? Don’t buy more than you can afford!

Owning a home is one of the biggest dreams for most persons. They envision the time when they can get rid of their landlords, make their own home décor choices, and stop worrying about home security.

However, owning a home can become more like a nightmare if you bite off more home than you can chew. It’s important to match your home ownership plans with what you can truly afford.

The mortgage meltdown in the United States has had far-reaching implications on the global financial marketplace. While Americans face thousands of devastating foreclosures and some stunning bank crashes, the rest of the world is reeling from the effects of the reduction in credit availability and the fall in the American consumers’ spending power. Continue reading Buying a home? Don’t buy more than you can afford!

Can Debt Be Good?

“My mother always told us never to borrow money for anything. She worked very hard and bought a small house for cash, and she never owed anyone. However, I’m finding it difficult to live debt-free in these times. Is all debt really bad, or are there any good reasons for borrowing money?”

In the olden days of Shakespeare, it may have been possible to declare “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, as he wrote in the play Hamlet. Even in your mother’s time it was probably also possible to acquire housing, transportation and an education without ever visiting a lending institution.

However, with today’s rising cost of living that hasn’t seen a matching increase in income, the average consumer is often left with little choice but to incur some form of debt.

But was your mother really right when she said ‘No debt’ is good? Or can debt actually be beneficial?

Continue reading Can Debt Be Good?