Tag Archives: make more money

How to lose your fear of selling

As another ‘past-due’ bill arrives in the mail, you finally accept that you need to increase your income. Although you know that you should start selling something in your spare time to generate extra cash, you’re terrified at the thought of asking people to purchase something from you.

You overlook your forebodings and bake a batch of cupcakes that you hope to sell at your office. You timidly ask a co-worker to support your venture, but she declines because she is watching her weight. You decide to give away the rest of your inventory, resolving that selling is not your forte.

One of the complaints I get from people who wish to make more money is that they dislike the process of selling. They may say that they are not natural salespersons or that selling is too hard. If you feel apprehensive at the prospect of asking for money, you may think that you hate to sell. Continue reading How to lose your fear of selling

How To Motivate Yourself to Sell

“You wrote recently about the importance of creating your own income. I agree, yet I find it almost impossible to proceed as I just don’t know how to sell anything. I have no motivation to make the effort to make the extra money I need, because I feel like I would be a total failure at it. How can I overcome this problem?”

Earning an independent income is vital for goal achievement; and selling is an integral part of this process. For some persons, the thought of selling is as welcome as going to the dentist with a cavity. However, you must conquer your anxieties to fix an ailing tooth; and if you really want to realise your financial dreams, you have to overcome your resistance to doing sales.

One reason that may demotivate many persons from trying something new, like selling, is that they lack confidence. The good news is that sales, like any other life or business skill, can be learned. There are simple, repeatable steps that novices can take, which will help them to improve their techniques and eventually excel at the task of selling. Continue reading How To Motivate Yourself to Sell

Money Mission: Earn Your Own Income

The goal-achievement race is more like a marathon than a quick sprint; unless you continually focus on the finish line, you might get discouraged by the long journey and give up along the way. Our Money Mission columns are aimed at challenging you to accomplish a specific task each month that will help you persevere with your dreams.

Previously, we addressed two of the stumbling blocks that can prevent persons from making progress on their plans – procrastination and the inefficient use of time. Another major drawback that many people face in their quest to attain their goals is that they don’t earn enough money to save for important financial objectives such as buying a home or retirement.

Independent earning is important

The reality is that with the rising cost of living and the inability of most employers to pay increased salaries, you will have to change your outlook on earning if you want to have more money. You can no longer expect a job to supply you with all the income you need to create your desired lifestyle; you have to learn how to generate other sources of earning from your own efforts. Continue reading Money Mission: Earn Your Own Income

More Money: Teach What You Know

Whenever I meet persons with expert knowledge that could benefit the wider society, I usually encourage them to find ways to earn by sharing their expertise with others. Too many people who are privy to specialised information tend to keep it to themselves, with the mistaken view that giving away their ‘trade secrets’ will prevent them from benefiting financially from their work.

Whether you are a craftsman using a lost art form, a teacher using successful training methods, or a nutritionist using natural remedies, if you only focus on serving your individual clients, there will always be a low ceiling on the income you can derive from your knowledge. In fact, when you die, your talent will pass on with you and will not be available to better the world.

If you have essential information that creates value for others, you should be looking for ways to spread your knowledge in a systematic way that will allow you to earn more money. Your income will increase in direct proportion to the number of people you serve, so you need to consider how to get many more persons to benefit from your expertise. Continue reading More Money: Teach What You Know

More Money: Nature’s Wealth

The debate on our 2012 national budget has left many of us with more questions than answers. We are being advised to prepare for austerity measures, yet the only way for Jamaica to overcome the deprivation that faces us is to focus on growth.

If our economic strategies do not promote and support productive activities, then the country’s financial future will be compromised.

Despite the general feeling of uncertainty that currently exists, let’s make a special effort to think positively about the prospects and possibilities for better. For me, while I may not be able to control or change our leaders’ economic decisions, I will continue to play my part by encouraging each and every person in Jamaica to focus on earning more.

It is getting more challenging for the traditional manufacturer to produce competitively, thanks to increases in the cost of living. Electricity, wages, transportation, and security are just some of the rising overhead expenses that make it harder for businesses to remain profitable.

However, in difficult situations, those who use innovation can definitely find new opportunities to exploit. Continue reading More Money: Nature’s Wealth

More Money: Hair is Big Business

1 pack premium hair – J$1,400.00
1 bottle hair glue – J$105.00
1 pack stocking wave cap – J$80.00
1 lesson on how to make money with hair priceless!

Based on my observation of the variety of hairstyles displayed by many of our stylish women, I had always believed that Jamaica’s hair industry was almost immune to the effects of the general recession.

However, it wasn’t until I decided to learn more about the world of hair design that I discovered exactly how lucrative this opportunity could be. Continue reading More Money: Hair is Big Business

Money Manifesto for 2012

As many Jamaicans go to the polls today to select the party, people and policies of their choice, I thought that I would create a ‘Money Manifesto’ containing all the financially smart steps that can help you to shape a prosperous future for 2012 and beyond.

The 12 points shared below represent the essential areas that you should follow if you wish to become financially successful.

1. I will make financial education my priority.

I will invest in my own personal development by seeking to learn more about money. I will endeavour to read or listen to good financial advice every single day, as I recognise that most of the solutions to my money problems can be found in other people’s experiences in books and CDs. Continue reading Money Manifesto for 2012