Tag Archives: lose money

Jamaican Style Money Guide: Trouble Nuh Set Like Rain

From June to November, many in Jamaica keep an anxious watch for signs of an impending storm. During the months of the annual hurricane season, we are more likely to see these dangerous weather systems developing in the tropical waters which surround our island.

If one of the ominous cloud formations appears to be drifting in Jamaica’s direction, people often think about preparing for the possible arrival of heavy rains and wind. However, if we are spared the onslaught of bad weather, some persons will simply abandon their plans until the next scare.

The reality is that we are always faced with the potential of an emergency occurring at any time. As our Jamaican proverb of the week states, “Trouble nuh set like rain.” While a downpour is always preceded by gathering dark clouds, a major calamity can take place in your life without warning. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: Trouble Nuh Set Like Rain

Protecting Your Investments

When you invest, you hope that your money will generate an income for you or that it will grow in value and allow you to realise a profit in the future. However, there is a possibility that your desired investing outcome may not materialise; you could instead receive an unfavourable result.

While you happily envision what you stand to gain, before you commit your funds to an investment you also need to consider what you could lose if you were to make the wrong decisions. It’s critical to assess how any adverse outcomes could harm your financial position and negatively affect your goals.

When you put your money to work for you, one of the possibilities is that you could lose some or all of your money if the venture fails. There is also the risk that your investment may not perform as planned, or that you may not get the kind of returns within the time frame that you had anticipated.

Although risk is an inherent part of the investing process, you can still seek to minimise or prevent some of these negative occurrences. Let’s look at some of the strategies that can help you to protect your investments from the risks of loss and unmet objectives. Continue reading Protecting Your Investments

How to Invest Without Fear

The world of investing can be very intimidating for persons who know nothing about it. Investing may seem like a pursuit for the wealthy elite or financial power-brokers, and not a money-multiplication activity that can be practised by ordinary people with relatively limited means.

Unfortunately, too many persons allow a lack of knowledge and an abundance of fear to prevent them from generating income and building wealth from investing. If you avoid or disregard this important financial skill, you may actually miss out on achieving your long-term money goals.

Do your research

If you have never bothered to invest because of ignorance, you first need to learn more about the process. The Internet provides myriad outlets which you can use to research investments. Just put “investing guide for beginners” in your search engine and it will return thousands of websites. Continue reading How to Invest Without Fear

Mission: The 3 Ms of Money

I am really excited that I have now begun to compile eight years of learning and teaching the principles of money into my first book, The 3 M’s of Money: How to Manage, Multiply and Maintain Your Money.

As you may already know from reading my Author’s Bio, for most of my life I was a financial mess – I had never saved, was over my head in debt, and was generally clueless about how money worked. After getting a job at one of Jamaica’s largest financial institutions, I started interacting with financially savvy people and then determined that I would learn the secrets of money success for myself.

The 3 Ms of Money is basically a tell-all of the financial mistakes I have made and the lessons I learned which helped me to change my financial situation.  As I started teaching others the principles that I had applied in my life, I realised that they also saw positive changes in their financial and personal lives. This observation led me to start Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services with the mission to be Jamaica’s number one source for practical, down-to-earth and independent answers to all questions about personal finance.

So keep looking out during the month of November, as I will share with you my progress in writing The 3 Ms of Money.  I hope that publishing this book will inspire many people to believe that they too can win the money game!

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