Tag Archives: legacy

How to Create An Estate With No Assets

Ruthann looked in the rear-view mirror to see why her two children had suddenly gone silent. Just a few minutes ago, her five-year-old twins in the back seat had been arguing about which one had run faster at their school’s sports day. Their quarrelling had taken its toll; they were now fast asleep.

Thankful for the brief respite, Ruthann smiled as she reminisced on her children’s antics. Despite their hyperactivity, they both performed well at school and she was proud of their achievements. She looked forward to seeing them become accomplished adults in the future.

As she daydreamed about the years to come, Ruthann’s brow grew furrowed as the familiar fears crept through her mind. She often worried about what would happen to her kids if something untoward happened to her. Once again, she was gripped by an overwhelming sense of panic. Continue reading How to Create An Estate With No Assets