Tag Archives: Jamaica

Jamaican Style Money Guide: When Cow Ded, Him Lef Trouble

Traditional Jamaican proverbs can be very enlightening. They often express clever anecdotes or dire warnings about life, drawn from years of experience. If you examine many of these adages, you will find a kernel of wisdom that can help you to be smarter in your financial affairs.

While some of our proverbs give clear instructions on the importance of saving or spending wisely, the message in others may not be as obvious. “When cow ded, him lef trouble gi cow-skin,” is one of our lesser-known sayings that can provide a very important lesson about money success.

In standard English, the proverb states, “When the cow dies, it leaves trouble for the cow-skin,” which means that a dead cow’s decaying remains will produce a messy problem. Similarly, many people will pass from this earth and leave behind nothing but trouble for their survivors. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: When Cow Ded, Him Lef Trouble

The Rewards of R.E.S.T.

AS the month of November winds down, many people are preparing themselves for the hectic activities which December brings. While the whirlwind of office socials, gift shopping and family dinners that accompanies the upcoming season is enjoyable, it can at times be exhausting.

As the year-end approaches, you may find that you have little time, energy or inclination to keep pursuing your important financial goals. You may get swept away with the holiday festivities and think that it’s okay to relax, enjoy life and just take a break from being financially responsible.

On the contrary, it’s critical for you to work even harder to achieve the targets you set for this year. What you do during the next 30 days will set the tone for the beginning of 2016, so you want to finish off the year by making a resolute effort to advance or complete those unfinished tasks.

If you begin the New Year reflecting on all the things you wished you had accomplished, you may get depressed and demotivated instead of feeling energised and enthused to achieve more. Let’s look at another way to revitalise yourself during December with this four-step R.E.S.T. plan. Continue reading The Rewards of R.E.S.T.

Triumph Through Trial and Error

Many of the accomplishments that I can list in my life have come after making several attempts that at first produced only undesirable outcomes. I have become so accustomed to frustrations and setbacks that I have simply accepted these occurrences as part of the process of achievement.

After years of counselling people who were trying to achieve their financial goals, I realised that disappointment with the slow pace of progress is one of the reasons why many give up on their dreams. They think that if the dream was meant to be, it should happen quickly and effortlessly.

Despite knowing that success often comes after repeated failures, I sometimes get irritated when I don’t immediately see positive results from my efforts. Recently, after feeling exasperated with a project that was taking longer than expected, I resigned myself to learning through trial and error.

The theory of trial and error

This week, I wanted to discuss the importance of giving yourself space to try and fail as you traverse the pathway to your goals, so I decided to research the concept of trial and error. It was then that I discovered that there is actually an entire learning theory dedicated to this principle. Continue reading Triumph Through Trial and Error

Maximising Your Money After Losing Your Job

Today’s economic climate dictates that businesses need to become leaner and more cost-efficient to survive in a competitive environment. Many government institutions also have to regulate their operations to ensure that they can make the best use of limited resources.

When the owners or managers of these organisations decide that they need to reduce expenses, they will often look first to their employees. Staff-related costs can be a significant portion of an entity’s budget, so cutting the wage bill can usually benefit the bottom-line.

While a business owner or management official may justify the advantages of reducing the staff component, the workers may see things differently. A decision to lay off people may be seen as unwarranted, especially if they think that the organisation is making enough money to retain them.

Is your job in jeopardy?

Whether you agree with the management’s stance or the employees’ viewpoint, the reality is that the employment landscape has changed. More positions will be downsized in ensuing years, so if you are currently employed, you should prepare yourself for the possibility of job loss. Continue reading Maximising Your Money After Losing Your Job

A Bridge Over Troubled Financial Waters

Life is like a box of chocolates, as actor Tom Hanks memorably said in the movie Forrest Gump; you can never be certain what types you’re going to get until you open the box. Life can indeed be full of surprises, but unlike a package of sweets, not all of the components may be pleasant.

To live to the fullest, the irony is that you must accept the various risks which life can bring. Risk is simply the possibility that your plans may not turn out in the way you hoped. Instead of obtaining the positive results that you expect from your efforts, you can actually receive a negative outcome.

To be financially secure, you must find ways of spreading the risks that life may bring so that you don’t have to absorb them all by yourself. To do this, you need to put in place certain strategies which will prevent you from having to deal with the full financial cost of undesirable life events. Continue reading A Bridge Over Troubled Financial Waters

Jamaican Style Money Guide: Trouble Nuh Set Like Rain

From June to November, many in Jamaica keep an anxious watch for signs of an impending storm. During the months of the annual hurricane season, we are more likely to see these dangerous weather systems developing in the tropical waters which surround our island.

If one of the ominous cloud formations appears to be drifting in Jamaica’s direction, people often think about preparing for the possible arrival of heavy rains and wind. However, if we are spared the onslaught of bad weather, some persons will simply abandon their plans until the next scare.

The reality is that we are always faced with the potential of an emergency occurring at any time. As our Jamaican proverb of the week states, “Trouble nuh set like rain.” While a downpour is always preceded by gathering dark clouds, a major calamity can take place in your life without warning. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: Trouble Nuh Set Like Rain

Jamaican Style Money Guide: Poun’ A Fret Can’t Pay Ounce A Debt

When we are faced with a difficult situation, sometimes we may not be mentally ready to accept a few wise words of advice. As the saying goes, “Misery loves company,” and very often we secretly prefer to receive sympathetic gestures than to take positive action to eliminate our challenges.

I have found this reality to be very evident with persons who are suffering from money problems. Having experienced many of my own financial crises over the years, I completely understand this ‘woe-is-me’ mindset which tends to trap a person in a state of helplessness and negativity.

Of all the money predicaments that you can encounter, chronic indebtedness is perhaps the most challenging. There is nothing as depressing and defeating as facing unpaid bills, past-due notices and demand letters, and worrying about the legal consequences of your inability to pay. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: Poun’ A Fret Can’t Pay Ounce A Debt

Jamaican Style Money Guide: Short Cut Draw Blood

Many of our Jamaican proverbs are light and witty; while they give us pause to think, they usually also give us a hearty laugh. However, there are other old-time sayings that contain dire warnings which explain the problems that we will bring upon ourselves if their messages are ignored.

One ominous Jamaican adage that is often used for cautionary advice is, “Short cut draw blood.” This succinct saying has a clever twist on the meaning of the word ‘cut’; while a short cut can be a quicker way to reach your destination, the word cut can also connote a type of physical injury.

It’s natural for people to seek the easiest route to achieve their objectives, and historically this has helped mankind to develop many important inventions. However, there are times when trying to find the easy way out of a situation can actually cause more harm than good. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: Short Cut Draw Blood

Jamaican Style Money Guide: Don’t Hang Yuh Cap Whey Yuh Cyaan Reach

If you would like to become smarter with money, you can gain tremendous insight by exploring the wisdom in our beloved Jamaican proverbs. As the saying goes, “A word to the wise is sufficient;” and a few astute adages from our rich heritage can help you to increase your financial intelligence.

One smart saying that I have heard many Jamaican old-timers use is, “Don’t hang yuh cap whey yuh cyaan reach.” In Standard English the proverb translates to, “Don’t hang your hat higher than you can reach;” and it cautions persons not to expend more than they can afford.

The concept of ‘living within your means’ is a basic principle to financial success, yet it’s one of the money rules that is easiest to break. Many people have no idea what their ‘means’ really is, so they often find it difficult to remain within the acceptable limits whenever they spend their money. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: Don’t Hang Yuh Cap Whey Yuh Cyaan Reach

The Field of Dreams: A Financial Fairy Tale

The Curious Traveller was traversing a wooded area of the Kingdom when he came upon a weather-beaten sign that read ‘Field of Dreams.’ A short distance away, he noticed a tiny cottage perched at the entrance of what appeared to be a large cemetery teeming with rows of graves.

Intrigued, the Curious Traveller strolled over to the building and raised the rusty metal knocker. Instantly, the door opened and a wizened old man stood in front of him. “How can I help you?” he grunted.

“I am curious about the Field of Dreams,” the Curious Traveller responded. “What is this place?”

“This is where the businesses of the Kingdom are taken when they die,” the old man explained. “I am the caretaker who lays them to rest.”

Just beyond the cottage, the Curious Traveller noticed a walled-off area secured by a heavy iron gate with a large chain and padlock. “What’s in that section of the Field of Dreams?” he queried.

The caretaker sighed deeply and shook his head slowly. “Sit down, my friend,” said the caretaker, pointing to a rickety chair in the office. “Let me tell you the story of what lies beyond that iron gate.” Continue reading The Field of Dreams: A Financial Fairy Tale