Tag Archives: Investors

Smart Real Estate Investing

In challenging times there are always tremendous opportunities for smart investors to make profit. Despite the fact that we are in the middle of a reported recession, there are several ways to earn good returns from investing in Jamaica.

Right now, money market instruments are yielding attractive interest rates; government global bonds can be bought at low prices; stocks in quality companies are trading way below their true values; and buyers have the upper hand in the real estate market.

While you can get expert guidance on investing in the money market, bonds and stocks from several licensed financial advisors, it’s not so easy to find out how to win in the real estate market. Continue reading Smart Real Estate Investing

Investors: The Sceptical,The Gullible and the Greedy

Typically, when people think of investors they picture wealthy business moguls or savvy stock owners wheeling and dealing their way into large fortunes. The reality is that investors come in all financial shapes and bank account sizes. An investor is simply anyone who commits money to an endeavour with the expectation of making a profit.

I’ve often wondered about the personal traits that can help to create a successful investor. Some people seem to have the Midas touch – everything they invest in turns into gold. Many others, however, seem to fail at any investment they undertake.

What does it take to win at the investing game? Is it lady luck, dominant genes, or hard work? Continue reading Investors: The Sceptical,The Gullible and the Greedy