Tag Archives: increase income

Financial Independence for Jamaica

Happy Independence Day, Jamaica! As we celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the date when the British flag was lowered for the last time and replaced with our iconic black, green and gold standard, it is an ideal time to reflect on what it means to be an independent nation.

When we made the bold step towards self-governance, there must have been an expectation that we would be able to manage our own affairs and lift our country to new heights. Half-a-century later, can we report that we have been successful in doing what it takes to be truly independent?

We may have fulfilled one definition of independence — “not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction” — but there are other characteristics that we have not yet acquired. An autonomous entity should not be dependent on others for its existence, or have to rely on others for support. Continue reading Financial Independence for Jamaica

Financial Freedom at Last!

On August 1, our nation commemorated another Emancipation Day; a time when Jamaicans can reflect on the challenging periods in our country’s history and give thanks that the practice of human slavery was abolished. Personal freedom is a right that we should never take for granted.

According to Dictionary.com, ’emancipate’ means to free from bondage, restraint or influence. A person who has been held back by a restrictive system, physical impediment or an inhibiting force will be emancipated when the thing that prevents him from moving freely is eliminated.

While we can celebrate the fact that our citizens are no longer bound by the organised structure of slavery, the reality is that many persons are still shackled by the chains of financial bondage. Their money problems hinder them from living their desired lifestyles and accomplishing their goals. Continue reading Financial Freedom at Last!

New Beginnings

If you have made a lot of mistakes in life, wouldn’t it wonderful to be able to wipe your slate clean and start anew? To be more technologically relevant, wouldn’t it be great to hit the delete button, remove the unwanted lines, and have a blank screen to create a different story?

I’m sure that there are many people who wish that they could change their financial history in this way.

The reality is that you’re stuck with your past whether it harbours good or bad money memories. There is no life eraser that will allow you to remove the errors of judgement that may have caused you to frivolously waste money, borrow too much, make unwise investments or overlook opportunities that could have brought you fulfilment and prosperity. Continue reading New Beginnings