Tag Archives: impossible dream

How To Create A Goal Traffic Light

“When faced with failure, many persons are not sure if they should continue in their current direction or choose a different path. They may end up persevering with the wrong thing or quitting a good idea too early. How do you know when to stop and when to keep working on a goal?”  – Reader

Last week we looked at how to use failures to help you achieve your goals, by learning valuable lessons that can point you to the right pathway. However, sometimes failure can actually be a sign to stop. How can you tell if your goal is worthwhile pursuing, or if you are chasing a futile dream?

Goal accomplishment would be much simpler if we had internal signals that would indicate green when it was time to go, yellow when it was appropriate to wait, and red when we should hit the brakes. This would remove confusion and doubt, and prevent us from wasting time and money.

Since you were not designed with this decision-making feature, you have to find strategies that can help you to decipher the results that you experience when you start working on your goals. Here’s how you can create a ‘traffic light’ for your goals that will indicate the right steps you need to take. Continue reading How To Create A Goal Traffic Light