Tag Archives: goal achievement

Triumph Through Trial and Error

Many of the accomplishments that I can list in my life have come after making several attempts that at first produced only undesirable outcomes. I have become so accustomed to frustrations and setbacks that I have simply accepted these occurrences as part of the process of achievement.

After years of counselling people who were trying to achieve their financial goals, I realised that disappointment with the slow pace of progress is one of the reasons why many give up on their dreams. They think that if the dream was meant to be, it should happen quickly and effortlessly.

Despite knowing that success often comes after repeated failures, I sometimes get irritated when I don’t immediately see positive results from my efforts. Recently, after feeling exasperated with a project that was taking longer than expected, I resigned myself to learning through trial and error.

The theory of trial and error

This week, I wanted to discuss the importance of giving yourself space to try and fail as you traverse the pathway to your goals, so I decided to research the concept of trial and error. It was then that I discovered that there is actually an entire learning theory dedicated to this principle. Continue reading Triumph Through Trial and Error

Giving Up On Your Goal

Kimberly rolled over and looked at her bedside clock with dismay. The jarring alarm had jolted her from a blissful dream and she reluctantly swung her legs onto the floor. It was getting increasingly difficult for her to rise each morning and she longed to stay in bed for one more hour.

Up to two years ago, Kimberly had enjoyed getting up at the crack of dawn. She always anticipated another exciting day at work, and was the first to arrive and the last to leave the law office. Her dedication had won her several awards, as it was obvious to her bosses that she was a rising star.

From she was just eight years old, Kimberly had wanted to become a high-powered, well-paid attorney like the beautiful actress on her favourite television show. Ignoring the frivolities enjoyed by her friends, she had excelled at university and achieved her law degree in record time.

Her routine was disrupted one fateful evening when she was swept off her feet by a charming man with whom she had grudgingly agreed to have dinner at the insistence of her best friend. After six months they were happily married, and before long, the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy. Continue reading Giving Up On Your Goal

How To Read Goal Directional Signs

EARLY in a new year, many people make purposeful pledges to accomplish important tasks that they believe will make a significant difference in their lives. However, many of them find that their firm resolutions do not last through the year, and many of their hopeful plans remain unfulfilled.

Last week we looked at ways to determine if you should go ahead with, postpone, or call a halt to the goals that you may be contemplating for this year. Obtaining relevant information, getting expert guidance and obeying your instincts are key elements when creating a goal ‘traffic light’.

If you have already embarked upon your quest, it can be difficult to maintain a consistent pace until you arrive at your destination. The journey is often fraught with distractions, disappointments and delays that can divert you from the pathway which can successfully take you to your goal. Continue reading How To Read Goal Directional Signs

How To Create A Goal Traffic Light

“When faced with failure, many persons are not sure if they should continue in their current direction or choose a different path. They may end up persevering with the wrong thing or quitting a good idea too early. How do you know when to stop and when to keep working on a goal?”  – Reader

Last week we looked at how to use failures to help you achieve your goals, by learning valuable lessons that can point you to the right pathway. However, sometimes failure can actually be a sign to stop. How can you tell if your goal is worthwhile pursuing, or if you are chasing a futile dream?

Goal accomplishment would be much simpler if we had internal signals that would indicate green when it was time to go, yellow when it was appropriate to wait, and red when we should hit the brakes. This would remove confusion and doubt, and prevent us from wasting time and money.

Since you were not designed with this decision-making feature, you have to find strategies that can help you to decipher the results that you experience when you start working on your goals. Here’s how you can create a ‘traffic light’ for your goals that will indicate the right steps you need to take. Continue reading How To Create A Goal Traffic Light

How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

One of my favourite self-improvement books is How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger. In this bestseller that has stood the test of time, Bettger explains how he reversed a pattern of failed sales attempts to become one of the top-performing salesmen of his era.

What I especially appreciate about Bettger’s tale is that he didn’t hide his embarrassing stories from his readers; instead he used the lessons he learnt from his mistakes to reveal the right way forward. For Bettger, his failures were only stepping stones to his ultimate success.

Bettger’s memoir confirms that even though you may have made poor financial choices in the past, once you understand where you went awry and find out what is required to correct your errors, then it is possible for you to become successful. In fact, failure can sometimes help you to achieve. Continue reading How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

Seek and You Will Find

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” — Matthew 7:7

Some persons think that if they have clear financial goals which they would like to accomplish, then they should not experience too many obstacles en route to success. They believe that if they come upon challenges which make the process difficult, then their goals were not destined to be realised.

There will be occasions when no matter how desperately you wish for your dream to come true, it will be highly unlikely to occur. This could be the case if you don’t convert your dream into a smart goal; with specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-based objectives that you can apply.

For example, if every month when you pay your landlord, you declare, “One day I’m going to turn the key to my own door,” but you never put plans in place for this desire to become real, then don’t expect a miraculous event to eventually bestow you with the home of your dreams. Continue reading Seek and You Will Find

Letting Go Financially

Last week we looked at the value of exhibiting patience when making important financial decisions. You need to be prudent with your spending and debt choices, and you should give yourself enough time to get the best results from your efforts in saving, investing and creating wealth.

While it’s advisable to stay on course with your financial goals and allow time to work in your favour, there are instances when you actually need to move quickly to get rid of unhealthy money habits or reverse unwise decisions you may have made.

When you commit to a specific financial route, you may not be certain if you should hold on because you made the right choice, or if your results indicate that you should change direction. Let’s look at some situations in which it’s time to cut loose and ‘wheel and come again,’ as we say in Jamaica. Continue reading Letting Go Financially

Money Mission: Count Your Blessings

All too soon, we have come to the final month in 2013. Over the year, our ‘money mission’ columns have tried to keep you on target with your goals; encouraging you to carry out specific objectives to further your plans, and giving you strategies to overcome obstacles that can hinder your progress.

We’ve covered diverse topics such as overcoming disappointments, earning independent income, looking for opportunities in change, and discovering your motivating force. We’ve also shown you how to focus on a priority goal, get organised, control your time and complete your tasks.

Rest, reflect and review

Although December is usually consumed with thoughts of shopping and revelry, for this month, we invite you to spend some time in reflection. Consider the financial successes that you have enjoyed, as well the money mistakes you have made. What lessons have you learned from them? Continue reading Money Mission: Count Your Blessings

Money Mission: Deal with Disappointments

As we draw nearer to the close of another year, a lot of persons will look back with regret at lost opportunities or unfulfilled objectives over the past months. Although most people will begin the year by making optimistic resolutions, many will not be satisfied with their year-end results.

It can be discouraging to set your heart on attaining a desired objective in a specific time, make diligent efforts to carry out the required steps, and then get derailed somewhere along the process. Part of goal achievement is learning how to deal with the inevitable disappointments that will arise.

It may be a little naïve to expect calm waters and smooth sailing when you embark on your voyage towards your goal destination. The reality is that you will most likely encounter unexpected and unpleasant challenges along the way that will test your resolve and determination to succeed. Continue reading Money Mission: Deal with Disappointments

How to Create An Estate With No Assets

Ruthann looked in the rear-view mirror to see why her two children had suddenly gone silent. Just a few minutes ago, her five-year-old twins in the back seat had been arguing about which one had run faster at their school’s sports day. Their quarrelling had taken its toll; they were now fast asleep.

Thankful for the brief respite, Ruthann smiled as she reminisced on her children’s antics. Despite their hyperactivity, they both performed well at school and she was proud of their achievements. She looked forward to seeing them become accomplished adults in the future.

As she daydreamed about the years to come, Ruthann’s brow grew furrowed as the familiar fears crept through her mind. She often worried about what would happen to her kids if something untoward happened to her. Once again, she was gripped by an overwhelming sense of panic. Continue reading How to Create An Estate With No Assets