Tag Archives: funeral expenses

Jamaican Style Money Guide: When Cow Ded, Him Lef Trouble

Traditional Jamaican proverbs can be very enlightening. They often express clever anecdotes or dire warnings about life, drawn from years of experience. If you examine many of these adages, you will find a kernel of wisdom that can help you to be smarter in your financial affairs.

While some of our proverbs give clear instructions on the importance of saving or spending wisely, the message in others may not be as obvious. “When cow ded, him lef trouble gi cow-skin,” is one of our lesser-known sayings that can provide a very important lesson about money success.

In standard English, the proverb states, “When the cow dies, it leaves trouble for the cow-skin,” which means that a dead cow’s decaying remains will produce a messy problem. Similarly, many people will pass from this earth and leave behind nothing but trouble for their survivors. Continue reading Jamaican Style Money Guide: When Cow Ded, Him Lef Trouble