Tag Archives: face your fears

Financial Fears

Fear has been described in the acronym False Evidence Appearing Real, indicating that very often the thing you fear is not factual, but just based on some perception in your mind. Sometimes you may even be embarrassed about some of the strange thoughts that secretly cause you to be fearful.

Fears about money can leave you feeling vaguely uncomfortable about your finances, intensely anxious about your future prospects, or send you into full-blown panic mode. Even if your fears may be irrational they can cripple you mentally and physically and prevent you from actualising your goals.

Many financial anxieties may stem from your concerns about losing something important that money can provide, while certain types of financial mistakes can be serious enough to warrant extreme distress. Let’s look at some common financial fears and simple strategies which can help you to deal with them. Continue reading Financial Fears

Fear Is A Four-Letter Word

Many years ago, I was presented with an opportunity that left me filled with fear instead of anticipation. I was asked to teach a module of a Portfolio Management course, as the lecturer thought I had done well in the class the year before. My initial response was to decline the offer.

After reflection, I recognised that this development was perfectly lined up with the goals I had set; why would I fear taking it on? Examining my emotions, I realised that it bothered me that I did not know how to create a PowerPoint presentation, and that I was clueless about using a projector.

When I admitted my fears to the lecturer, she reassured me that those shortcomings were easily solved. After a quick introduction to the mechanics of setting up a projector, and a month’s worth of self-tutoring on PowerPoint, I designed my lesson plan and entered the exciting world of teaching. Continue reading Fear Is A Four-Letter Word

Going The Distance In Achieving Your Dreams

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” – Proverbs 29:18

Most Jamaicans ardently want our nation to progress towards peace and prosperity. However, many of us don’t realise that for Jamaica to advance, we can’t simply expect others to make it happen; we must each embark upon our own personal journey of growth and development.

In The Richest Man in Babylon, author George S Clason declares that, “Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.” In other words, if we are going to see Jamaica succeed, we have to first commit to working on our personal success.

In over 10 years of coaching persons on their financial goals, I have discovered that there are two main reasons that prevent people from getting ahead in life. Most persons are not clear about exactly what they want to achieve; and even if they have some idea about what they want, they aren’t passionate enough about why they want it to happen. Continue reading Going The Distance In Achieving Your Dreams