Tag Archives: cut back on spending

Money Resolution #1: Make A Budget

For many people, the beginning of a new year is the appointed time to get serious and make firm resolutions for positive changes in their lives. It is also customary for some of these people to give up on their self-improvement promises by the time month two or three of the year rolls around.

Very often, the reason that they fail to complete their New Year’s goals is that they did not outline exactly what they were required to do to accomplish them. It makes no sense for you to make nice-sounding resolutions without thinking through the requisite steps to realise them.

Lack of commitment to the hard work required for change to occur is another obstacle to goal achievement. If you wish to reverse an undesired behaviour, you must be willing to do whatever it takes, despite discomfort or inconvenience, to adopt new attitudes and actions. Continue reading Money Resolution #1: Make A Budget