Tag Archives: college fund

Making Financial Sacrifices

At this time of year, many people all around the world commemorate Easter, when they focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Christian faith, Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice of His life brought salvation to a weary and sinful world.

The word sacrifice may conjure up images of pain and deprivation, and many persons would prefer to avoid the distress associated with making a sacrifice. However, while a sacrifice often involves difficulty, it can also be a beneficial action which brings positive results in your life.

When you make a sacrifice, you usually give up something pleasurable for something that may lead to severe discomfort, or you carry out an unselfish deed to benefit others instead of yourself. Most people are motivated to make a sacrifice when they are working for a greater good.

While it may not be your calling to make drastic life sacrifices, when it comes to your money, there are times in which sacrificial decisions will be required. Let’s look at some of the ways in which making sacrifices may help you to become financially successful. Continue reading Making Financial Sacrifices

Is Borrowing for Education a Good Idea?

Back-to-school time is here and many consumers are busy sourcing books, supplies, uniforms and other items for their children or for their own schooling. During this period, there is usually an increase in advertisements promoting educational assistance loans.

The reality is that many people have to borrow money to pay for these school expenses. While the ability to access financing for school purposes may seem like a blessing when your budget is tight, is it always a financially smart move? Continue reading Is Borrowing for Education a Good Idea?

How to succeed at any goal

Are you having difficulty achieving your financial goals? Do you desperately want to buy a house of your own, spend a nice vacation in an all-inclusive, or earn enough to stop living off credit cards? Are life’s challenges intervening to make your desires seem like impossible fantasies?

Sometimes our goals are elusive because we’re not taking all the steps needed to attain them. Get back on track to achieving your objectives by following this four-step system:

The Dream Process

“We’ve got to have a dream if we are going to make a dream come true.” –  Denis Waitley

The first step in improving your current financial picture is to envision yourself in a better situation. To start the dream process, become child-like in your thoughts and dream big. Visualise yourself living out your dream – see what’s around you, hear the sounds and smell the scents, taste and feel the experience.

Get to the root of your dream and ask yourself what emotional need it satisfies for you. Your desire for your own home might really be a need for security; a new car might bring the self-confidence you crave. Then use that strong need to bolster your determination that the dream must one day come true. Use visual reminders to help you continuing focusing on your dream. Continue reading How to succeed at any goal

Managing Money for College Students

I’m heading off to university for the first time this September, and I’ll be living on campus. I’ve never left home before and I’ve been accustomed to having my parents buy everything I need. I would like some advice on how to spend my money carefully and stay within my budget.”

College life can bring new-found freedom for most young adults. For perhaps the first time, they can make their own decisions: how long to stay out at night, what type of food they want to eat, what to spend their money on. The problem is- most students have had little experience in managing money, and end up making poor choices when it comes to their finances.

Here are some tips to help you to successfully navigate the tricky financial waters throughout your college years: Continue reading Managing Money for College Students

Planning for Education

“I have three children ages 4, 8 and 11.  I’m worried that I have not been saving any money towards sending them to university. Right now it’s sometimes hard to find the school fees and money for extra activities, but I don’t want them to have to struggle to afford university.

“What can I do with my limited budget?”

The high cost of raising children is a reality that is never going to get easier. Sometimes it’s not that the money isn’t there to pay the school fees, but that parents didn’t start saving early enough to take care of the costs.

The saying If you fail to plan, you plan to fail is really applicable in this case. I think that sometimes we look at the word plan as a bad four-letter word. We live from day to day without a clue for the future, hoping that some happy coincidence will provide us with what we need to survive.

It’s one thing to adopt this attitude when we’re only thinking of ourselves, but when children come into the picture, we owe it to them to plan for their future. Continue reading Planning for Education