Tag Archives: charity

What Makes the World Go ‘Round?

When asked, “What makes the world go ’round?”, some people will empathically answer “Money!” while others will firmly declare, “Love!” It’s been said that “money can’t buy love,” but there is also wisdom in the concept that “it takes cash to care.”

Many people think that it is impossible to actively pursue love and money at the same time. A job, the main source of income for most persons, is seen as a tedious chore that is only tolerated because it pays the bills. The idea of working for love seems like a childish fantasy.

Others are so obsessed by the need to amass riches that they will sacrifice human kindness to gain a dollar. In their greed for money, they will abuse and take advantage of people; and cheating and corruption often become necessary evils in their pathway to progress. Continue reading What Makes the World Go ‘Round?

Is Money Holding You Captive?

Money is an essential part of our existence, as we need it to acquire the basic necessities and comforts of life. I always encourage persons to be more purposeful in their financial dealings and to constantly look out for opportunities to earn more income. Becoming more focused and productive is a key ingredient to attaining our goals.

While money is very critical for our well-being, it seems that in today’s society many of us place too much importance on money itself. Our thoughts, beliefs and fears about money can lead us to make unwise financial decisions, and very often our money attitudes can bring out the worst in us.

It seems that many of us have become enslaved by our desire for and dependence on money.

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