Tag Archives: business loan

The Field of Dreams: A Financial Fairy Tale

The Curious Traveller was traversing a wooded area of the Kingdom when he came upon a weather-beaten sign that read ‘Field of Dreams.’ A short distance away, he noticed a tiny cottage perched at the entrance of what appeared to be a large cemetery teeming with rows of graves.

Intrigued, the Curious Traveller strolled over to the building and raised the rusty metal knocker. Instantly, the door opened and a wizened old man stood in front of him. “How can I help you?” he grunted.

“I am curious about the Field of Dreams,” the Curious Traveller responded. “What is this place?”

“This is where the businesses of the Kingdom are taken when they die,” the old man explained. “I am the caretaker who lays them to rest.”

Just beyond the cottage, the Curious Traveller noticed a walled-off area secured by a heavy iron gate with a large chain and padlock. “What’s in that section of the Field of Dreams?” he queried.

The caretaker sighed deeply and shook his head slowly. “Sit down, my friend,” said the caretaker, pointing to a rickety chair in the office. “Let me tell you the story of what lies beyond that iron gate.” Continue reading The Field of Dreams: A Financial Fairy Tale

Money Musings: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Financially

I recently read a report about an entrepreneur who was being sued for non-compliance to a business contract. Apparently the deal contained specific delivery terms for the product that was being sold, and the business owner failed to provide the goods within the agreed time.

This time delay resulted in the customer losing a lucrative partnership, and the negligent business owner was taken to court to obtain damages. The defendant admitted that he was not aware of the time stipulation, and declared that he would not have signed the contract if had he known about it.

What the business owner didn’t know ended up costing him a significant sum, as he was deemed liable to pay for his customer’s losses. This case made me think that there are many occasions in which we can suffer financially because of what we don’t know. Continue reading Money Musings: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Financially

Getting Financing For Your Small Business

While many people who are stuck in a nine-to-five job may dream about chucking it all in and starting their own business, the reality is that an entrepreneur’s life is not an easy one.

When a person takes the big step to become his or her own boss, many daunting questions come to mind, such as; “Do I have what it takes to run my own show?” “What if my idea is not viable?” What will happen to me if I fail?” “Where will I get the money I need to carry out the business?”

One of the major challenges that business persons face is the need for financing. With many start-up businesses, the entrepreneurs have little more that a germ of an idea and a big vision to present to a prospective lender.

With the high failure rate among new enterprises, it is no surprise that many businesses find it difficult to raise the financing they need to succeed.

Continue reading Getting Financing For Your Small Business