Tag Archives: Animals

Making Money With Animals

It’s an unfortunate reality that many persons work just to receive a pay cheque, as they find their regular nine-to-five jobs tedious and unfulfilling. Before the industrial revolution ushered in the concept of paid task labour, workers used to get satisfaction from earning from professions that suited their personalities and natural talents.

Although our modern-day economy doesn’t readily allow all employees to achieve their dream occupations, it’s still possible to successfully turn a hobby into a means of earning money. I like to encourage persons who are searching for part-time income opportunities to look for ways to profit from their passions and pastimes.

One leisure pursuit that can lead to a very rewarding income source is taking care of animals. If you find pleasure from working with members of the animal kingdom, then you might find one of the following alternatives appealing. Continue reading Making Money With Animals

More Money Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

A few months ago, I discussed the habits of some ordinary animals, noting that they had many positive lessons to teach us about being smart with money. From the lowly ant to the powerful racehorse, these creatures demonstrate determination and dedication in achieving their goals.

For the most part, the members of the animal kingdom are very disciplined and organised with their instinctual activities. However, I have researched some quirky animal behaviours that could be compared with the destructive habits that many us of have with money.

Here are a few actions that we do not want to emulate in our financial lives:

Don’t stick your head in the sand like an ostrich

It has been said that when frightened, ostriches will hide their heads in the sand to escape harm, but scientific study has debunked this saying as a myth. Although the speedy ostrich will first run away from danger, if it cannot move or defend itself, it will lay its head and neck flat on the ground to evade detection. As its upper body is the same colour as the sand in its natural habitat, it could easily be thought that the animal had stuck its head in the ground. Continue reading More Money Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

Money Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

Recently, a reader commented that a lack of discipline was one of the primary reasons many people were not successful in their personal and financial goals. He noted that most animals, unlike many humans, were disciplined in their everyday habits, which resulted in a sense of order and efficiency in nature.

I thought about the many wild animals that exhibit very civilised attitudes towards carrying out their purposes. Although human beings might be more developed than other creatures, there are many valuable lessons that we can learn from them. Let’s examine some animal behaviours that can teach us important truths about the achievement of financial goals.

Envision A Better Life Like A Caterpillar

I believe that it would probably be easy for the lowly caterpillar to despair as it crawls along the pathways of life. Inching along at a painfully slow pace as it tries to eke out a living, dodging the threats of extermination from humans who despise its very existence. Why should a caterpillar dare to dream of a better life? Continue reading Money Lessons from the Animal Kingdom