Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

New Year’s Resolution #4: Earn More

Over the past weeks we have been examining some of the key money goals that you should have on your 2015 resolution list. If you really want to avoid the disappointing results of past years, then you must understand exactly what is required to put you on a positive financial path.

One problem that can be very frustrating for persons who want to achieve their financial objectives is that they just don’t have enough income to do everything they would like to. As the saying goes, “It takes cash to care;” and to attain many of your goals, you need to have excess funds on hand.

More money is essential

The reality is that many people do not have enough money left over after paying their regular bills to comfortably attain many of the objectives and acquisitions that they desire. It may be almost impossible for you to live out your lofty dreams, solely on the proceeds of a regular pay cheque.

Therefore, a critical part of your game plan to have a better financial year is to look at options to increase your earning ability. Without additional sources of income, you will be challenged in your quest to manage your budget, avoid burdensome debt, and save towards building your wealth. Continue reading New Year’s Resolution #4: Earn More

Can You Invest By Shopping?

We have recently been discussing the concept of investing, which involves putting money into a venture with the expectation of making a profit. Whether you invest in financial securities, property or a business, the general idea is that you decide to forgo spending money in the present, in order to secure some benefit in the future.

Many people will admit that they find it difficult to invest, as they would prefer to get the instant gratification of spending money than waiting to reap a potential reward in the long term. Why invest and risk your money, they think, when you can buy something right away and enjoy the fruits of your labour immediately?

Some time ago, a reader e-mailed me about the concept of investing versus spending. He introduced a simple but thought-provoking idea — What if more people were to say, “I invested my money on an item instead of I spent my money on it”, would that encourage them to make wiser spending choices? Continue reading Can You Invest By Shopping?

Making Money from Trading

It could be easily argued that Jamaica is a nation of traders. Whether it’s a classy uptown establishment or itinerant downtown vendor, in virtually every nook and cranny you can find persons buying and selling all types of merchandise.

When faced with job loss or the need to supplement their income, many people immediately think of retail trading. If you’re looking for some ideas to make extra money, think first of consumer needs that are currently unmet in your area — what goods do people want to buy which are not in adequate supply?

Expand your horizon and examine new marketplaces for innovative commodities and methods of selling products. Here are some options for earning additional income from trading: Continue reading Making Money from Trading

Making Money Out of Nothing on the Internet

Last week we looked at the Internet as a remarkable resource for successfully marketing products and services. With millions of possible customers, the income-generating potential of having an online presence is priceless. If you learn how to use simple but effective mediums such as websites, blogs, and audio and video podcasts, it’s feasible to earn extra money.

But what if you don’t already have a product or service to offer? Is it still possible to generate money on the Internet starting out with nothing?

The surprising answer is Yes! The wonderful thing about the Internet is that it brings together people with diverse interests and needs in one immense marketplace. If you learn how to figure out what people are interested in and what they would like to buy, then you can supply it for a profit. There are free websites that can give an insight on what people are searching for or talking about online. Continue reading Making Money Out of Nothing on the Internet