Tag Archives: achieve goals

7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

As we usher in the year 2016 with an optimistic outlook for a bright future, we must have a
decisive game plan to create a more prosperous New Year. Instead of just rehashing wishful resolutions from past years, make a concerted effort to attain these specific financial objectives:

1. A S.M.A.R.T. goal

It’s been said that ‘a promise is a comfort to a fool’; and some people believe that resolutions are foolish wishes that bring cold comfort. Your dreams may seem impossible to achieve if you don’t convert your ideas into specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-based goals.

Select one dream that would make the biggest difference in your life. Write it down precisely, expressing how you would measure it, take action on it and know when it was complete. Consider all the steps you need to take every day to realise your goal and persevere until you accomplish it. Continue reading 7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

The Rewards of R.E.S.T.

AS the month of November winds down, many people are preparing themselves for the hectic activities which December brings. While the whirlwind of office socials, gift shopping and family dinners that accompanies the upcoming season is enjoyable, it can at times be exhausting.

As the year-end approaches, you may find that you have little time, energy or inclination to keep pursuing your important financial goals. You may get swept away with the holiday festivities and think that it’s okay to relax, enjoy life and just take a break from being financially responsible.

On the contrary, it’s critical for you to work even harder to achieve the targets you set for this year. What you do during the next 30 days will set the tone for the beginning of 2016, so you want to finish off the year by making a resolute effort to advance or complete those unfinished tasks.

If you begin the New Year reflecting on all the things you wished you had accomplished, you may get depressed and demotivated instead of feeling energised and enthused to achieve more. Let’s look at another way to revitalise yourself during December with this four-step R.E.S.T. plan. Continue reading The Rewards of R.E.S.T.

Avoiding the Rat Trap in your Finances

“Rats close down Kingston high school.” This shocking headline continued into a revealing report of how rodents were running rampant at the 100-year-old institution. Despite their best efforts at pest control, the situation had deteriorated to the point where school officials were forced to temporarily suspend classes to effectively eradicate the problem.

As I read the unfortunate story of rats gone wild, my first thoughts were “How are these boys ever going to live this one down?” Knowing the fierce rivalry that exists among secondary schools in Jamaica, I had painful images of the merciless teasing and cruel rat references that were about to be unleashed upon the hapless students.

I thought no more about this incident until recently when I saw a television programme highlighting what the students had done to overcome their situation. Instead of being embarrassed by their rodent visitors, they had embraced them and practically turned them into school mascots. They had even created buttons with cute rat cartoon figures and were proudly wearing them. Continue reading Avoiding the Rat Trap in your Finances