Category Archives: Saving

Jamaican-Style Money Guide: Parson Christen ’Im Pickney Fus

At the beginning of a year, many people declare that they want to make some changes in their lives, in order to produce better results than they experienced in the previous year. Very often, their willingness to improve diminishes after a few weeks or months, leading to unfulfilled resolutions.

Some people fail to realise their objectives because they don’t establish a strong motivation that will force them to persevere until their goal is met. If you have a compelling vision for your future or a credo that directs all your actions, then you are more likely to succeed.

In this tough economy, more people are complaining that they are surviving from pay cheque to pay cheque. They feel like they are only working to pay their bills; all of their income is consumed by the rising cost of living and there is nothing left behind for saving or investing.

Although inflation keeps moving prices upwards while income remains stagnant, if you are going to achieve your money objectives this year, you have to find a way to overcome this challenge. What will you use to inspire you to grow in spite of these negative economic forces? Continue reading Jamaican-Style Money Guide: Parson Christen ’Im Pickney Fus

7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

As we usher in the year 2016 with an optimistic outlook for a bright future, we must have a
decisive game plan to create a more prosperous New Year. Instead of just rehashing wishful resolutions from past years, make a concerted effort to attain these specific financial objectives:

1. A S.M.A.R.T. goal

It’s been said that ‘a promise is a comfort to a fool’; and some people believe that resolutions are foolish wishes that bring cold comfort. Your dreams may seem impossible to achieve if you don’t convert your ideas into specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-based goals.

Select one dream that would make the biggest difference in your life. Write it down precisely, expressing how you would measure it, take action on it and know when it was complete. Consider all the steps you need to take every day to realise your goal and persevere until you accomplish it. Continue reading 7 Money Must-Haves for 2016

Money Musings: The Sanctity of Savings

Jamaican Finance Minister Dr. Peter Phillips recently announced new taxation measures that would affect all persons who utilise our banking sector. Dr. Phillips revealed that withdrawals from deposit-taking institutions would be subject to a graduated tax system.

All forms of withdrawals, including those done inside branch offices, point-of-sale transactions using debit cards, issuing cheques, and getting cash from ATMs would be affected. Electronic transactions would also be taxed, except transfers made by persons between accounts at the same institution.

The finance minister indicated that withdrawals of less than J$1m would be taxed at 0.1 per cent of the value, which would mean that persons would pay $1 for every $1,000 taken from their accounts. The percentage tax would decrease on a tiered system for larger sums of money withdrawn.

Although the tax is to be applied to the financial institutions, it stands to reason that the final effect of this withdrawal levy would be felt by the account holders themselves. Predictably, the pronouncement has sparked much negative feedback from various sources across the nation. Continue reading Money Musings: The Sanctity of Savings

Christmas Saving Plan

Christmastime is traditionally the season for spending, so it would be unusual for us to think about saving during this period. Even the most disciplined consumers may get a little consumption-crazy over the holidays, putting aside their reservations and really getting into the swing of shopping.

Despite the heavy emphasis on seasonal splurging, it may actually be an opportune time to turn your thoughts to saving and securing your financial future. With so much money in circulation during the holidays, why should you only be thinking of depleting your reserves at this time?

Let’s face it — despite the cash that seems to be awash everywhere, how many of us really have anything enduring to show after our frenzied spending? Let’s look at some of the ways in which we can focus our minds on saving so we can have a little more financially rewarding season this year. Continue reading Christmas Saving Plan

A Dollar for Your Thoughts

The phrase “a penny for your thoughts” is usually expressed when asking someone to voice an opinion on an issue being discussed, or when trying to discover the ideas which might be occupying the mind of someone lost in deep contemplation.

The earliest recorded use of the idiom is traced back to the 16th century when a United States penny, or one cent, was much more valuable than it is today. Given the current purchasing power of a penny, it might be considered almost disdainful to offer someone a cent for their opinions!

Our falling Jamaican dollar

I recently recalled this old saying when the rate of exchange of the Jamaican dollar to the United States counterpart first traded at about $100 for US$1 in June 2013. Our embattled currency symbol, which now had a value of less than one US penny, had hit a dismal new low. Continue reading A Dollar for Your Thoughts

Money Mission: Become A Money Magnet

At the beginning of the year, many of us made firm resolutions to make 2012 the best ever. This was going to be the year, we declared, that we finally got our money act together. Reciting our 2012 Money Manifesto pledges, we vowed to make positive changes in 12 areas of our financial life.

If you had made these optimistic declarations to improve your finances, how would you rate your progress three months later? Have you been successful at implementing many of the habits that would allow you to achieve your objectives? Or have you given up on your plans and consoled yourself that next year will be better?

If you’re like most people and have already reneged on your resolutions, don’t despair. Decide to tackle your money problems in the same way you would approach a work or school assignment: assess the issue, research possible solutions, create an action plan and carry out the necessary activities.

Make it your mission to work on a specific money goal each month. Continue reading Money Mission: Become A Money Magnet