Category Archives: Risk Protection

Making Money Connections

We live in a world that has become increasingly interconnected. We can make connections with long-lost acquaintances or faraway friends with a quick search on a social media website. Our mundane activities can become viral trends thanks to the wide web of linkages on the Internet.

We need to be cautious about the online connections we make, as people’s virtual personas may be vastly different from their reality. We should also think twice before posting comments or photos, as they could have widespread repercussions on our work and personal relationships.

While it’s easy to see the positive and negative effects of establishing connections via technology, you may not readily recognise the importance of making wise money connections. You should also pay careful attention to the linkages you make when carrying out your financial transactions. Continue reading Making Money Connections

Home Buying Risks

There are few occasions that will bring such an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as purchasing your own home. For most persons, it is the realisation of a lifetime dream; and it often heralds their hope for a more prosperous financial future.

While the prospect of buying a home may trigger many emotional responses, it is important to remember that it is a major financial investment as well. If you’re pursuing home ownership, you must also incorporate some rational and prudent decision-making steps in the process.

When investing money, most people will focus on the plus side of the equation; they concentrate on what they have to gain from making the transaction. However, when you commit your funds to a venture, there is always the possibility that you could receive an undesired or adverse outcome. Continue reading Home Buying Risks

Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst

For many people, thinking about the subject of money brings on negative emotions ranging from mild confusion, constant frustration, sheer anxiety to full-blown panic. It’s unfortunate that such an essential part of our lives can sometimes cause us to experience so much mental pain.

Very often, persons will create their own money misery with their poor financial habits. Splurging in excess of their income, not planning for upcoming expenses, ignoring the need to save, and not making efforts to earn part-time income are some of the practices that can cause distress.

While careless spending and budget shortfalls are the usual suspects for money worries, sometimes a lack of organisation in your financial affairs can bring unwarranted concern. Uncertainty about the true state of your finances can lead you to be overly fearful about your financial future. Continue reading Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst

Investing By Owning Shares – Returns and Risks

Last week we looked at stock investments, explaining that this option provides persons with the opportunity of buying ownership into a company. Let’s now outline the ways in which you can make money by investing in shares, while highlighting some of the possible risks.

When you invest in stocks, there are two main strategies that you can employ to make a profit. You can choose to hold the stocks over time and reap the benefits that come with share ownership, or decide to buy and sell the stocks to receive trading gains. To be successful in either method, it’s best to learn more about stocks with the help of professional advisors.

Sharing the profit Continue reading Investing By Owning Shares – Returns and Risks

The Hidden Costs of Investing

When many people think about investing, they have one major question in mind, “How much money am I going to make?”, and they usually don’t consider what they may have to give up in order to get their desired profit. However, natural law dictates that in order to receive, you must be willing to sacrifice something in return.

If you want to create wealth from investing, you will have to make some compromises in order to achieve your objectives. You’re not going to be blessed with wealth from this source without paying a price for it.

While it may be relatively simple to determine the direct expenses that can accompany an investment transaction, there are some hidden costs which may not be that obvious. Let’s look at some of the areas in which you must be willing to give and take in order to get the best from investing. Continue reading The Hidden Costs of Investing

Are You Living on the Edge?

As the recent devastating downpours lashed the island of Jamaica, many people who lived close to rivers and gullies were terrified as the torrents tore away at the land beside their dwelling places. Unfortunately, several ill-fated persons watched helplessly as their homes eventually broke apart and tumbled into the raging flood waters.

Tropical Storm Nicole highlighted the fact that even the most placid streams can become destructive floods when weather conditions deteriorate. However, while those who resided near to these out-of-control waterways were living in danger, other persons whose residences were built on more solid ground were relatively unscathed by the natural disaster.

As I reflected on these tragic occurrences, I realised that many people, just like those who lived beside potentially dangerous water courses, are living on the edge when it comes to their finances.

While circumstances are favourable, they exist with a false sense of security about their money situation; but in reality, their financial foundation is weak and unable to withstand even the smallest of challenges. Continue reading Are You Living on the Edge?

How To Maintain Your Money

Why do some people achieve long-lasting financial success while others struggle with money for their entire lives? After years of seeking the answer to this mystery, I have discovered that the route to prosperity lies in the knowledge and application of some basic principles that govern money.

We have been examining the three tenets of money success – managing, multiplying and maintaining your money. After making smart use of the money you already have and making determined efforts to earn more, the final key is making plans to preserve your wealth for your lifetime and beyond.

Here are the four essential steps to maintaining your money: Continue reading How To Maintain Your Money

Managing Money When You’re Sick

Illness can wreak havoc on even the best-planned budget and throw your money management into disarray. Most people aren’t concerned about how sickness can affect their financial lives until they are in the middle of an emergency health situation.

Let’s look at some things you should consider when you’re thinking about life’s eventualities. Hopefully this will help to improve your state of financial readiness in the event of illness.

Health Insurance

Without a doubt, health insurance is a god-send when you’re facing a daunting medical bill. It allows you to hang on to your money while the insurance company picks up the tab for some of the cost of medical services and products. Check out these crucial questions relating to insurance: Continue reading Managing Money When You’re Sick

How Much Risk Is Right For You?

“After reading your column last week on being less fearful about investing, I think I need to take more risks with my money. Everything I have is in a savings account earning very little interest and I want to try something else that can make more. How do I go about figuring out how much to risk?”

I got many interesting responses to last week’s topic on fear and investing. Some people were willing to jump headfirst into riskier investment options, as they were tired of earning minimal returns. Others were still terrified about the thought of losing money, but readily admitted that they were not satisfied with how their money was growing in basic savings accounts.

Two reasons why people invest their money are to increase the original sum invested, or to create a source of regular income. Risk is simply the chance that the outcome of your investment will be less than expected. This can include losing some, or all of the initial principal, or not getting the return you had hoped for. Continue reading How Much Risk Is Right For You?