Avoiding the Rat Trap in your Finances

“Rats close down Kingston high school.” This shocking headline continued into a revealing report of how rodents were running rampant at the 100-year-old institution. Despite their best efforts at pest control, the situation had deteriorated to the point where school officials were forced to temporarily suspend classes to effectively eradicate the problem.

As I read the unfortunate story of rats gone wild, my first thoughts were “How are these boys ever going to live this one down?” Knowing the fierce rivalry that exists among secondary schools in Jamaica, I had painful images of the merciless teasing and cruel rat references that were about to be unleashed upon the hapless students.

I thought no more about this incident until recently when I saw a television programme highlighting what the students had done to overcome their situation. Instead of being embarrassed by their rodent visitors, they had embraced them and practically turned them into school mascots. They had even created buttons with cute rat cartoon figures and were proudly wearing them.

Like true warriors, the students used the rat attack as a rallying battle cry to unify and motivate the entire school body. With a picture-perfect ending that could have been written into a screenplay, the students overcame their humiliation and went on to win coveted titles in the academic Schools’ Challenge Quiz and the Boys’ Athletics Championships within the same week.

Don’t be trapped by your circumstances

This story is a wonderful example of the popular saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Negative occurrences don’t have to impede your ability to accomplish your goals; it’s how you respond to these situations that will determine your ultimate success. With the right attitude, you can always find ways to triumph over adversity.

All too often, I hear persons complain about their inability to get ahead financially because of their perceived deficiencies. Common tales of woe include incomplete educational achievements, inadequate job opportunities in their chosen field, or the inability to obtain small business financing. There is always some crippling problem that prevents them from succeeding in life.

Yes, these issues can act as temporary roadblocks along the road to financial success. However, history is full of examples of people who defied the odds and refused to let obstacles stop their progress. Like the rodent-challenged students, be creative and turn your shortcomings into assets; let your problems motivate you to attain new heights instead of allowing them to hold you back.

What can rats teach us about money?

In reflecting on the potentially destructive situation that helped to spur the students to achieve greatness, I realised that rodent behaviour can actually be quite enlightening and educational. While we may normally detest the thought of these pests, let’s open our minds to receive some of the lessons they can teach us about money.

If you have ever been tormented by the scourge of rats in your dwelling place, you would know that they are some of the most resilient and resourceful creatures in the world. I’ve heard many stories of rats that cheekily ate off the tasty treat while carefully avoiding the waiting trap. Whereas the early bird will get the worm, the skilful rat will escape with the bait!

In investing, very often the most profitable opportunities come with relatively high risks. Too many persons choose investments by only looking at the treat – potential gain, and ignore the trap – possibility of loss. To be a successful investor, you need to weigh the risks against the returns and carefully devise strategies to avoid the pitfalls that may be present in an investment.

Make use of all your assets

Studies carried out on rats indicate that while they have poor vision, their other senses are well developed which help them to be acutely aware of their environment. I have realised that their keen sense of smell allows them to know exactly where to find the juiciest fruit on the mango tree even in the darkness of the night!

Rats are also creative in making full use of the things they find in their surroundings. Your home can provide them with crumbs to eat under the dining table, hiding places under cupboards, climbing ladders on chair legs, newspapers to shred for bedding, and base boards for cosy dwelling places. Anything and everything this creature encounters can have a good purpose.

If you’re trying to earn more, whether in your spare time or in starting your own business, be constantly on the lookout for opportunities that abound right under your nose in your community, workplace or school. You need to get proficient in sniffing out people’s needs, and get creative in designing solutions to solve their problems and make profit.

So the next time a rat passes your way, or if you’re currently suffering from your own rodent infestation issues, remember that you can put a positive spin on these creatures. Like the students who were inspired by their unwanted visitors, maybe you can learn something from rats that can help you to accomplish great things!

Copyright © 2012 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.


Originally published in The Daily Observer, April 12, 2012

Read another article on Money Insights from Animals:

Business Lessons from the Honeybee


Cherryl is a money coach and business mentor, and founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at www.entrepreneursinjamaica.com and www.financiallysmart.org. Contact Cherryl